The Love Story
Part One
Carlos and I met through some mutual friends of ours. He was best friends with Jason Bell and I was friends with Hannah Kellmer. Hannah would always talk about her friends Jason and Carlos and how she couldn't wait for them to move back to Spokane. She mentioned how they were some of her best friends and that she'd known them for awhile. When the infamous Jason and Carlos did finally move back to Spokane, we would often go out in groups (this group later formed our bible study called "The Gathering") and we would have coffee, see movies and get together for various outings.
Many of us friends noticed the compatibility of Jason and Hannah and we worked hard to get them together. It didn't take much on our part before God swung wide the doors for them and they began dating and about 7 months later, were married.
While they were still dating, we went on a double date over Valentines Day. Carlos realized that I was a single gal and Valentines Day is a time to spend with your sweetheart, so he invited me, as his friend, out for an evening with Jason and Hannah. We went out for Sushi and a movie and little did we know, this activity would become one of our favorite past times as a couple. That night, it started to snow and Carlos and I were locked out of the downtown parking garage because they had closed at 10pm and our movie got out much later. We walked downtown as we waited for Jason and Hannah to come back for us.
Hannah would often ask me what I thought of Carlos and encouraged me to like him. Carlos and I hung out as friends and I was set on that being all this relationship had in store......and than God stepped in.
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